Chronic Disease Chronic Pain Digestion Health & Lifestyle

Turmeric vs. Acupuncture for Treating Inflammation

10 Exercise Secrets For A Happy Gut Blog


Nov 23

Chinese Dietary Therapy has strongly promoted using food as medicine for thousands of years. At Allied Acupuncture we actively encourage our patients with inflammatory conditions to include turmeric in their diet, as well as bone broth, and to reduce simple/refined carbohydrate consumption.

Like turmeric, Acupuncture has proven anti-inflammatory effects, with many additional benefits. Acupuncture is a proven, strong pain reliever, and with regular treatment is backed by research for improving multiple pain, injury, inflammatory, hormonal and chronic conditions. That’s why if you are considering turmeric for any inflammatory and/or pain condition you should be considering Acupuncture treatment as well.

There is a lot to like about turmeric! It is relatively inexpensive, natural, and safe. It’s easy to grow yourself too and then it’s practically free! In fact you’ll have more than you know what to do with most likely. If you get the bright orange coloured variety you may want to try giving it a good wash and eating some raw. It will give you a better buzz than any coffee (and a bright orange tongue!). Start with a small piece, it can be intense. The whiter variety is far too bitter to eat this way, go for bright orange.

By far the nicest way to consume turmeric is in a Turmeric Latte or simply Google food recipes that include turmeric. You can also get it in a capsule/supplement form. If you can’t find it fresh, simply wander in to the spice aisle of your local supermarket and buy the powdered form. This is easily added to stews, broths, soups, curries or tea.

Turmeric is a great natural analgesic for mild pain and positively influencing inflammatory conditions.

The most active constituent in turmeric is Curcumin and is probably best known for research showing that it may moderate antioxidant factors and inflammatory parameters. But did you know that it has also been shown to have beneficial impact on blood sugar levels, the liver, lowering fats in the blood and lowering ‘bad’ cholesterol (LDLs)? It’s also beneficial for diabetics. It essentially achieves this by helping a few key metabolic enzymes function well, according to research. Without boring you with more scientific jargon, turmeric is beneficial, so start including it in your diet.

Dr Scott Baker is a registered acupuncturist practicing in Burleigh Waters, Gold Coast. To find out if he may be able to assist with pain, fertility, digestion, hormones, sinus, allergies or other conditions call and book a consultation today or book online at

Allied Acupuncture Gold Coast, 2 Executive Drive, Burleigh Waters. 07 5522 1691.


There are many positive effects associated with Acupuncture but let’s focus on the most relevant for now. Acupuncture has been shown to reduce inflammation, trigger the release of endogenous opioids (the body’s own super strong pain killers), regulate pain pathways in the nervous system, trigger the release of endorphins AND neuromodulators, cause vasodilation of blood vessels and boost the immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells and the list goes on.

Did you know that according to perhaps the most respected peer reviewed research body in the world – the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials – there is more high-level research for Acupuncture than for physiotherapy and chiropractic combined?

If you’re curious about Acupuncture then book online or call us on 07 5522 1691 and we can discuss your individual case.


To learn more about Allied Acupuncture, visit us online at


Dr Scott Baker is a licensed acupuncturist in Burleigh Waters, Gold Coast, focused on pain relief, women’s health and chronic disease management. He enjoys sharing his passion for natural approaches to health through his online articles and at his clinic, Allied Acupuncture, on Executive Drive. Call for an appointment at 07 5522 1691.

Tags: ibs, constipation, digestive issues, women’s health